
Valery Makarov (tenor)

Soloist (ensemble - troupe)

of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia

and Novaya Opera theatre,

Guest artist of the Helikon-Opera,

Perm Opera and Ballet Theater,

Astrakhan Opera and Ballet Theater,

St. Petersburg Opera,

the Bolshoi Theater of Belarus,

Korea National Opera.

Valery born July 27 in Samara, studied at the Central Music School of Samara in the class of vocal and composition, attended theater studio, where during the studies he took part in the performances of the SamArt Theater for Young Spectators, and also performed solo parts at the Samara Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. Finished Academic School at the Moscow State Conservatory P.I. Tchaikovsky. Currently studying at the Moscow State Conservatory named after P. Tchaikovsky.

The acquisition and refinement of performance mastery during his studies were greatly influenced by his participation in international masterclasses conducted by renowned masters of the musical-theatrical arts, such as Plácido Domingo, Yusif Eyvazov, Tamara Sinyavskaya, Vladimir Koval, Ernesto Palacio, Barbara Frittoli, Paolo di Napoli, Juan Diego Flores, Dmitry Korchak, Massimiliano Bullo, Sergey Zaytsev, and Ildar Abdrazakov.
Since 2019, he has been a soloist of the State Academic Bolshoi Theater of Russia, where Valery performs leading solo parts of:
Count Liebenskoff, Don Luigino (Rossini “Il Viaggio a Reims"),
Don Narciso (Rossini “Il Turco in Italy”),
Prince Tamino (Мozart “Die Zauberflöte”​​),
Carlo (Donizetti “Linda di Chamounix”
Mr. Ford (Salieri “Falstaff, ossia Le tre burle”)
Nadir (Bizet “Les pêcheurs de perles”),
Fool-for-Christ (Mussorgsky “Boris Godunov”),
Nihilist (Shostakovich “Katerina Izmailova”),
Sergey Glushkov (Shostakovich “Moscow, Cheryomushki"),
Ivan Khlestakov (Dashkevich “Revozor”),
Montan (Rimsky-Korsakov “Servilia”),
School teacher (Tchaikovsky “Cherevichki”),
Gonzalvo (Ravel “L'Heure espagnole”),
Brigella (Strauss Ariadne auf Naxos")
Also in the repertoire:

Conte Almaviva (Rossini “Il Barbiere di Siviglia" ) - Theatre New Opera, Perm Opera and Ballet Theatre, St. Petersburg Opera, Bolshoi Theater of Belarus, Krasnodar opera theatre
Lindoro (Rossini “L’Italiana in Algeri) - Korean National Opera
Nadir (Bizet “Les pêcheurs de perles”), — St. Petersburg Opera,
Beppo / Harlequin (Leoncavallo “Pagliacci”) — Helikon-Opera,
Tamino (Mozart “Die Zauberflöte”​​) — Helikon-Opera,
Nemorino (Donizetti “L'elisir d'amore”) - "St. Petersburg Opera", Astrakhan Opera and Ballet Theatre,
Ivan Lykov (Rimsky-Korsakov "The Tsar's Bride") - Astrakhan State Opera and Ballet Theatre,
Alfredo (Verdi “La Traviata”) - Astrakhan State Opera and Ballet Theatre,
Lensky (Tchaikovsky “Eugene Onegin”) - New Opera,
San Far / Shaplu (Adam “Le Postillon de Lonjumeau”) - New Opera,
Young Gypsy (Rachmaninov "Aleko") - Oryol State Philharmonic.

  • Took part in the festival. Rossini in Pesaro (Italy). In 2021 he sang the role of Belfiore (“Il Viaggio a Reims”), and in 2023 Iroldo (“Adelaide di Borgogna”).
  • Since 2021, he has been a guest artist of the Gorky Moscow Art Theater, where he takes part in the play by T. Doronina "The Half-Witted Jourdain" and the theater named after V. Meyerhold, where he performs a solo role in the play "Zarnitsa" by A. Rodionov and E. Troepolskaya (directed by Y. Kvyatkovsky). Since 2023 he has been a guest artist at the Trubnaya Theater (School of Contemporary Play), where he takes part in the play based on A. Ostrovsky’s play “Handsome Man”.
  • Actively participates in the creative projects of the Cultural Center and in the Foundation of Elena Obraztsova, the Belcanto Foundation, the N. Osipov Orchestra of Folk Instruments.
  • He conducts concert activities, takes part in concert programs on the stages of the Tchaikovsky Moscow State Conservatory, the Moscow Philharmonic, the Zaryadye Concert Hall, and the State Kremlin Palace.
  • Valery performed at the St. Petersburg International Cultural Forum with the orchestra "Northern Symphony" under the direction of Fabio Mastrangelo.

  • Participant of international music festivals, including Irina Arkhipova Art Festival "Musical Evenings on Seliger","Shkin Opera" (Kolomna), "Symphony of Summer" (Podolsk Philharmonic), "Alyabyevskaya Autumn" (Tyumen Philharmonic), "The Road to Christmas", in which he performed the tenor part in "A Small Solemn Mass" by J. Rossini, the B. G. Tevlin Festival, where the performance of F. Schubert's "Stabat Mater" took place (the Great Hall of the Tchaikovsky Moscow Art Theater), the festival "Shostakovich. XX century" - vocal cycles of M. Weinberg and D. Shostakovich, piano part Honored Artist of Russia Alexey Goribol (Samara Academic Opera and Ballet Theater).
  • In 2022, he performed the part in K. Orff's cantata on the stage of the Moscow Philharmonic conducted by Philip Chizhevsky.
  • This year in September Valery made his debut in a solo vocal role in Leonid Desyatnikov's ballet "L.A.D." on the stage of the Stanislavsky and Nemirovich-Danchenko MAMT.
  • Participant of the television competition of young opera performers "Bolshoi Opera" and the television program "Romance of Romance" on the channel "Culture".
  • Scholarship recipient of the Russian President's Award for the support of talented youth. He was awarded the scholarship of the head of the city of Samara and the award of the Governor of the Samara region.
Valery is a laureate of International vocal competitions, including:
• Elena Obraztsova Young Vocalists Competition (Grand Prix, St. Petersburg),
• competition of performers of sacred music "Re-ligo" (Grand Prix, Samara),
• D. B. Kabalevsky Competition (II prize, Samara),
• B. T. Shtokolov Competition (III Prize, St. Petersburg),
• competition named after F. I. Chaliapin (II Prize, Moscow),
• contest of performers of Russian romance "Romansiada", (II prize, Moscow ),
• Emir Kusturica's Golden Matryoshka Russian Music Festival "Kustendorf
classic" (I Prize and winner of the main prize, Serbia),
• competition of young vocalists named after N. Obukhova, (III prize, Lipetsk),
• Concerto virtuoso competition (I prize, Moscow),
• F. Vinhas Competition (special Prize, Spain, Barcelona),
• finalist of the Operalia competition and winner of a special prize from Placido
Domingo (Russia-Moscow 2021),
• finalist of the Competition del'opera and winner of the award from Constance Keneman and the German agency "Cantoplus" (Russia-Moscow)

Valery studied composition in the class of Honored Artist of the Samara Region Alla Vinogradova at the Institute of Culture and during this time became a Laureate of many prestigious International and All-Russian composition competitions. Among them: Prokofiev competition (1st prize, Moscow 2016), Gavrilin competition (3rd prize, St. Petersburg 2017), competition of young musicians named after. D. B. Kabalevsky (II prize, Samara 2017), competition “Romanticism. Origins and horizons”, dedicated to the memory of E. F. Gnesina (III prize, Moscow 2018), competition “Concerto virtuoso” (I prize, Moscow 2020), Dunaevsky competition (II prize, Moscow 2020).
The State Historical Museum wrote the vocal cycle “Overcoming” based on poems by Russian poets, which was released by the publications “Insoma-press” with the support of the Samara Diocese and “Planet of Music” with the support of the Elena Obraztsova Charitable Foundation.
Valery writes works for piano, choral music, romances and songs for academic and pop ensembles.
Author of the musical design for the performances of the Samara Theater "Zertsalo": "The Flying Ship", "Boys Are Falling" (director O. Kartashova), "Notebooks of Life" (director Veronika Lvova), "The Snow-Tender Queen or More than One Love Story" (director O. Kartashova.)
Author of the Anthem of the Elena Obraztsova International Competition for Young Vocalists.
In 2020, he wrote an opera based on the plot of the northern legend I. Bunin “Velga”, which premiered at the Elena Obraztsova Cultural Center in St. Petersburg, and in 2023 the opera was performed in Moscow in the concert hall of the Museum of Russian History with the support of grants from the Mayor of Moscow.
In the spring of the same year, fragments of the opera were performed at the Samara Philharmonic performed by the Symphony Orchestra.
In December 2022, the premiere of the vocal cycle “Thirteen Miniatures to the Poems of Marina Tsvetaeva” took place on the stage of the Samara House of Actors with the participation of the soloist of the Dutch Opera Inna Demenkova.